Frequently asked questions

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View some of our most commonly asked questions.





Although independent schools in Ontario are not required to teach the Ontario curriculum, LHCS does follow the knowledge and skill expectations for nearly every subject. In the case of French instruction, LHCS begins in Kindergarten even though the provincial expectation is to begin in Grade 4. In the case of health instruction, the values of our school community help us determine which elements are included in lessons. 

LHCS has class size guidelines that are used to determine the number of students in a homeroom. These guidelines vary slightly by the age of students. In Kindergarten, an Educational Assistant (EA) is assigned to the class once it exceeds 16 students.

We have a formal Bible curriculum taught in Bible class. More importantly we integrate the Bible’s teaching into all curriculum areas. For example, when we teach math, we help students understand that the world was created with order, pattern and inter-relatedness. Humanity did not create math, we unfold it according to God’s created norms. Likewise, the stories and books we read in class lead us into discussions about how different people experience the world, what justice looks like, and how God can be honoured in our daily lives.

We use Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) testing in the fall and spring for students in Grades 3-8 each year.  The MAP tests indicate student growth in mathematics, reading and language usage.  The results are used by teachers to indicate student readiness for various concepts.  As a school, we use the results to ensure that our program enables students to meet or exceed provincial standards for literacy and numeracy.


A portion of tuition fees are eligible for a tax deduction which makes the after tax cost of tuition very affordable.

There are some additional costs to consider. Please note that in addition to tuition, a Registration Fee of $500.00 will apply to all new families. Other optional service include items such as Bus Transportation, Extended Care, etc.

Yes, there is a Bursary Program. Please contact the school for details.

We do not receive any government funding.

A portion of tuition fees are eligible for a tax deduction which makes the after tax cost of tuition very affordable.

There are some additional costs to consider. Please note that in addition to tuition, a Registration Fee of $500.00 will apply to all new families. Other optional service include items such as Bus Transportation, Extended Care, etc.

Yes, there is a Bursary Program. The bursary application is available in the enrollment package.

We do not receive any government funding.


Yes, busing to and from school is offered. Transportation costs are extra. LHCS operates a joint transportation system with an affiliated school, Woodland Christian High School. The cost for this service is set each academic year. Please call the school for more details. The rates for using the bus are a per family rate. A code of conduct applies to all bus users. After school supervision until the buses arrive is included in the cost.

Yes, we offer a robust Extended Care Program,  before and/or after school.  With qualified supervision, this is a place to play, create and explore. Fees are set each year and can be provided by contacting the front office.


LHCS graduates attend local Christian, Catholic or public high school.  

We strive to integrate faith and learning in a meaningful, age appropriate context. 

Christian community is a vital part of  the LHCS experience.  Not only do children receive a nurturing education but families are also adopted into a community that cares for one another in Christian love. 

Core values of lifelong Christian discernment and commitment to Jesus are reinforced at school to complement what is taught at home. 

At the core of our philosophy of education is the belief that the universe and everything in it belongs to God and that education arises from a deep hope for students. 

LHCS is operated by the Kitchener Waterloo Christian School Society (KWCSS). LHCS is a community based, privately funded, parentally supported independent Christian School. Its daily affairs are managed by an administrative team made up of the Principal and Vice-Principals. A Board of Directors sets policy and supervises the activities of the administrative team. A number of standing committees serve the Board. The Board and committees are elected or appointed from the members of the KWCSS. Membership in the KWCSS is open to parents and all those interested in the promotion of Christian education. The membership has two official meetings per year and gathers more often for general information evenings.

Students in our school attend over 60 different local churches in our region. While our roots are deeply embedded in the reformed tradition, families in our school belong to many Christian congregations, including Baptist, Eastern Orthodox, Christian Reformed, Pentecostal, Mennonite-Brethren, Alliance as well as non-denominational churches.

Yes, we have a robust before and after school care program.  Fees are set each year and can be provided by contacting the front office

Yes, busing to and from school is offered. Transportation costs are extra. LHCS operates a joint transportation system with an affiliated school, Woodland Christian High School. The cost for this service is set each academic year and is included on our tuition page. The rates for using the bus are a per family rate. A code of conduct applies to all bus users. After school supervision until the buses arrive is included in the cost.

LHCS graduates attend local Christian, Catholic or public high schools.  

We strive to integrate faith and learning in a meaningful, age appropriate context. 

Christian community is a vital part of  the LHCS experience.  Not only do children receive a nurturing education but families are also adopted into a community that cares for one another in Christian love. 

Core values of lifelong Christian discernment and commitment to Jesus are reinforced at school to complement what is taught at home. 

At the core of our philosophy of education is the belief that the universe and everything in it belongs to God and that education arises from a deep hope for students. 

LHCS is operated by the Kitchener Waterloo Christian School Society (KWCSS). LHCS is a community based, privately funded, parentally supported independent Christian School. Its daily affairs are managed by an administrative team made up of the Principal and Vice-Principals. A Board of Directors sets policy and supervises the activities of the administrative team. A number of standing committees serve the Board. The Board and committees are elected or appointed from the members of the KWCSS. Membership in the KWCSS is open to parents and all those interested in the promotion of Christian education. The membership has two official meetings per year and gathers more often for general information evenings.

Students in our school attend over 60 different local churches in our region. While our roots are deeply embedded in the reformed tradition, families in our school belong to many Christian congregations, including Baptist, Eastern Orthodox, Christian Reformed, Pentecostal, Mennonite-Brethren, Alliance as well as non-denominational churches.

Emergency Update

School Closure

Due to inclement weather, the school will be closed today.